Originally Posted by willravel
Things that are addictive ruin the idea of freedom. You're free to buy what you want... but if you're addicted then you're not. It's a trap and it's not fair.
Imagine a world in which punching you in the face was addictive. That's smoking.
For a very long time it wasn't just the addiction that kept me smoking. It was the fact that I like to smoke. I genuinely enjoyed my cigarettes. So you are looking to ban my freedom to enjoy that cigarette or not?
If I enjoy being punched in the face shouldn't I be free to get punched in the face?
To all the people out there that have never smoked, you simply do not understand that while yes it is addictive, a great many smokers continue to do so because they enjoy smoking. Why did I stop? Again because it stopped being enjoyable.