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Old 04-22-2008, 06:59 PM   #31 (permalink)
bad craziness
m0rpheus's Avatar
Location: Guelph, Ontario
Originally Posted by savmesom11
I am really surprised to hear from so many posters that they too would provide alcohol to their underage children because they figure they are setting a positive example by teaching their children to use alcohol responsibly. How is allowing your teen-ager to drink teaching responsibility? By breaking the law you are showing your child you have no respect for it and they don’t really have to have any either. By telling your kid I know your going to do it anyway so I would rather you do it in front of me, only teaches your children you are weak and they will continue to reach toward more adult behavior because well hell, mom and dad know I am going to do it anyway so what ever. Children have enough insecurities and stress to deal with just trying to get through puberty, why would you add to it by giving them illegal and irresponsible outlet?

But more importantly children, and yes teen-agers are children, are not responsible to handle the consequences that come with drinking. The feelings and emotions that are involved when getting drunk, knowing when to say I have had enough, lowered inhibitions, all of which are hard for adults to control let alone a child. All while teaching children that drinking is a fun way to let loose without teaching them the moral responsibility of drinking. Soon drinking will become a past time, and as a previous poster said, people like to drink socially. they will drink while out with their friends because it is the same fun feeling they have when drinking at home, only better there will be know parental supervision.

What ever happened to letting children be children? They have their whole lives ahead of them to make adult decisions, why ask them to make them before they are ready?
The problem with "letting children be children" is that really we aren't talking about six year olds (or at least I assume no one is), we are talking about 16 year olds and older, many of whom are 18+ and therefor "adults" in the eyes of the law. Even at 16 I wouldn't call them children anymore, adults? No but also not children.
Up here the drinking age is 19, the thing is kids are going off to college at 18. Do you think they aren't drinking there?
How many of these "adults" are suddenly given total freedom including the availability of booze? I'd rather my kid at least understand something about drinking. Including the fact that there are dangers from drinking too much.
That said, I have zero intention of buying booze for my kids other than allowing the occasional glass of wine with dinner on a holiday (which last I looked is legal here in Ontario). My dad never bought booze for me so if my kid wants booze he'll have to get it the old fashion way... get the friends older brother to buy it for them.
I will, however, give them the same deal that my parents gave to me.
1) Don't ever lie to me about if you have been drinking or not. I will know.
2) Don't ever drive while drunk or get a ride from someone who is. If you have to call a cab to get home instead, I will pay for the cab. You will pay me back, but my rates are reasonable and may be in the form of chores instead of cash.
3) Understand that drinking underage is illegal and if you get caught, I'm not paying the ticket, you are.
"it never got weird enough for me." - Hunter S. Thompson
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