JinnKai....DOJ gets its figures from survey sampling of census interviews.
THe FBI Uniform Crime Reports are the official crime stat reports filed by state and local police with the FBI.
I know the FBI reports arent totally inclusive and rely on estimates where data is not submitted, but the DoJ relies too heavily on personal perceptions of being a "victim". Both are flawed.
But even under your numbers....its still no more than 1% of the population (3 mil out of 300 mil).....hardly a "rational eventuality" IMO.
As I said, take precautions, know your surroundings, carry if you want (I wont)...but dont live in fear that it will happen to you..because odd are, it wont.
"The perfect is the enemy of the good."
~ Voltaire
Last edited by dc_dux; 04-21-2008 at 03:05 PM..