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Old 04-21-2008, 02:01 PM   #7 (permalink)
1. I'm a young girl living in a college town in a rather upscale gated town home community with various other students like myself. Everyday my roommates and I receive emails (from the school, they notify everyone whenever something of this nature is reported) about females that are assaulted, raped, and kidnapped in the general area. Our specific area is safe however we do have some lower income housing right outside the gates that line the path to the Texas A&M Bus stop. It's a short walk, but still a walk nonetheless. When I took the bus to school to work I always had my pocket knife in hand ready to open up at a seconds notice. James gave me this knife for Christmas to replace the one that stolen out of my checked bag with Continental, yes I am bitter about it. I make it a point to not listen to my IPod while I'm walking to the stop or jogging in the area. My roommate Caroline and I have discussed these crimes in our area and what we need to be careful for to avoid becoming victimized. My dad has sent me several emails telling me things these criminals tend to look for. Girls with pony tails are more common than short haired girls, they need something to pull onto. When jogging I carry my knife in one hand, my hand conceals it almost completely. I look around often to see who's around me, is anyone following me or watching me. I keep a good distance from the road and run opposite toward traffic so a person cannot come up behind me and grab me from a vehicle. When it comes to my stuff the only qualm I have is with them taking my computer. I have a Louisville slugger next to my bed. I'm also on the ground floor while my three roommates are upstairs, I wonder if that would affect my chances of being messed with first or not. I think the owner of the town home should install some deadbolts for the interior on both the front and back doors as well as install a security system, but thats just me. When I turn 21 I intend to get my CHL for more safety. I'm a Republican Georgia girl and have no problems shooting an intruder trying to harm me and mine. My dad and granddaddy were the same way. Dad keeps an 12 gauge in their bedroom and several random guns stashed in the bookshelves. My mom is sufficient in a handgun as well and has one in her nightstand. I like to view myself as educated on my own personal safety especially for being a female. These girls that go jogging at 11:00 at night by themselves down naked streets listening to their Ipods are just asking to be victimized. Being educated about your specific area is what I think makes a huge difference in possible crimes taking place against oneself.

2. Other people, I realize we'll all have different opinions on such a subject but I would hope people would educate themselves the way I have and do as much to avoid getting into possible situations. I think using a gun to protect yourself is fine if the situation calls for it, thats the typical Republican answer anyhow. If someone disrupts your life and threatens it, I say do your damnedest to destroy them for your own self preservation. That was my upbringing and thats what James believes in as well so we both sit well on those ideas for the way we live. The only difference is, he has his gun and CHL, I'm not old enough for mine yet. Another 11 months to go. The police are there for help but they're often time not fast enough to do much good in a burglary situation as my parents have found out. My dads not afraid to defend his family with a gun and I don't think anyone else should be either if they love them and want to eliminate a threat. I guess a sentence I don't want to have to say to my kids would be "Well daddy doesn't believe in guns so the bad guy shot him in his own home because he had no self defense."

My $0.02

This is what I carry when I'm out and about.
I know how to shoot although a 45 is a bit much for me.

Last edited by surferlove007; 07-12-2010 at 05:01 PM..
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