What is a "metric motorcyclist"?
While at the book store today, I grabbed a stack of motorcycle magazines, and ultimately settled on Rider and RoadBike. I haven't had the opportunity to read either in their entirety yet, but I noticed that RoadBike claims to be "All Metric," and their website claims to be "the #1 web resource for metric motorcycle riders!"
What exactly is a metric motorcycle rider? I've never heard of the term applied to motorcycles before, and I haven't had much luck searching Google, either.
I like the content and writing I've read so far in RoadBike, but as someone that is just recently entering the world of motorcycles and riding, I'd like to make sure I am reading material that will ultimately be at least partly relevant to my own interests and pursuits. Thus, clarity on what exactly "metric" is in regards to motorcycles and/or riding would be greatly appreciated.
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