Ummm yeah, Im not lying to the cops. I am not shooting any guns, caps or flares. Remember they are the trashy ones not me. Still considering the dump on their front porch thing though that someone above suggested...or is that trashy too? Anyway, they know its me banging on the wall. We see each other when we're both unlucky enough to go to our cars at the same time.
If it were another situation where I didn't have to see them everyday I would tel them to shut the f&*% up. But these people are my neightbors and I'm socially ept enough to know regardless of who they are, to try not to push any buttons. Similar to a classmate you have to sit next to for a semester. Since these people probably on a different frequency socially due to illegal drugs and sniffing whatever it is they can find underneath their sink. I decided not to talk to them, because once that line is open its hard to close. Anyway, they haven't blasted their music since I my original post. Now its just them fighting sporadically throughout the day...thank God.