Originally Posted by ottopilot
Which bills are you referring? Bills for fact-finding junkets and redecorating? Those should be numerous.
FISA reform, FOIA reform, contracting reform, lobbying/ethics reform, US attorney hiring reform, VA reform, FEMA reform......all address the issue of accountability as a result of Bush administration excesses or ineptness.
Renewal of SCHIP, implementation of 9/11 Commission recommendations, new education and economic competitiveness initiatives w/emphasis on science/math/technology, expansion of student loan programs, investments in renewable energy and energy conservation....all of which the public wanted but were stalled by the previous Repub majority.
I cant find the "redecorating" bill to which you refer
But I do understand how some would characterize Repub trips to Iraq as "fact-finding missions to support the troops" and Dem trips to Iraq as "interfering junkets for partisan political purposes."