at the level of information--not politics, but simple information---the record of the bush administration is transparent. anyone who fucking looks around them knows what these people have done. organize it as you like--from the war in iraq and the waves of political consequences that have flowed from it, which include the devaluation of the dollar--the policies shaped by neoliberalism that led to wholesale deregulation of the banking industry, policies implemented during the reagan period and maintain since that have resulted in the LARGEST TRANSFER OF WEALTH IN RECORDED HISTORY leading to an unbelievable CONCENTRATION OF WEALTH. you could go on and on making lists of the problems that have resulted or been exercebated by the incompetence and ideologically-driven blindess of this administration.
you have a co-ordinated attempt---which the fiscal conservatives like the rest of us are fucking paying for--on the part of the bush administration to sell their incompetence back to us--read yesterday's new york times, the front page bloody article about the stable of pet generals that the pentagon had assembled to do spin control on the iraq war for the networks over the past 5 years.
you, comrades, have been sold a lump of shit. and you, comrades, have partaken of that shit, eaten it. maybe the political commercials that the administration had paid to have inserted into news broadcasts as if they were information also persuaded you that the shit you have eaten was something else--and perhaps, if you are sufficiently caught up in the reality shaped by these commercials and the politics for which they stand, self-interest and military contractors individisble, unity and justice for none blah blah blah, maybe for you that shit is not even shit. maybe you really believe it's something else. maybe you have to believe that it is something else.
it is a pathetic reality reflected in this pathetic non-debate
but this thread has some special features all its own.
let's stretch and grant the status of argument to the petty whining posts from the conservative set above, what we have is two main claims:
1. it is the CRITICS of the administration that generate division.
2. the problem really, in the world, is host in tfp.
to my mind, there is no debate to be had about either of these.
to my mind, both are meaningless. they amount to nothing: they say nothing, they do nothing.
they are not worth refuting because they are not worth taking seriously.
this is nonsense.
i'm tired of it.
i'll catch you later.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite