Originally Posted by Martian
Consider ASU2003's numbers; those are for a single (I'm assuming relatively young) man with no dependants. He's accounted for $20 000, and doesn't have any numbers posted for a car, heating, electricity, water or any of the other 'real world' expenses that seem to get discounted so often. Add those in, plus the cost of dependants, then double it so that you can invest 'more than half' of your income and suddenly you've got a pretty big number.
$500/year utilities is the electricity and heating bill. Most people would use $1000 if they wanted a 'normal' temperature all the time. Water used to be covered in rent, now it is $360/year.
My car is 13 years old, I paid it off a long time ago, and I don't need a new car until I get a reliable basic electric car. I need to add that my car insurance is $260/year.
I will say that I pay $80/month ($960/year tax free) for healthcare/dental insurance (HSA). So, if I don't use it, I still get to carry over money from year to year.
For three years, I tracked every penny, but I've been slacking in the past year because a lot of stuff was happening in my life. But, I know I am still made more than I spent.