And yet, with all this RANTING, I still dont understand why some here are unwilling to discuss the more controversial aspects of the Bush presidency.
Let history judge? Not me, I dont want to wait that long. If it is not discussed in public forums, Congressional oversight hearings, campaign debates, talk shows, blogs...what is to prevent it from happening again while we wait for history to decide.
I dont want the next president, regardless of who it may be, following the same path of misleading the American people into another war, unilaterally making decisions that spit in the face of the Constitution's concept of checks and balances, operating in near total secrecy and spends us into a level of debt from which we may never recover.
Do you, pan...or Ustwo....or otto...or lebell...or scout?
So you dont want to discuss it.......fine.
I believe that holding our government accountable for its actions, regardless of who sits in the White House, is a citizen's responsibility.
My final question to the ranters and deflectors and deniers.....If you dont see anything wrong with what Bush has done, will you feel the same way if such actions are repeated by the next President who perhaps you didnt vote for?
"The perfect is the enemy of the good."
~ Voltaire
Last edited by dc_dux; 04-20-2008 at 04:06 AM..