Originally Posted by willravel
Can't you do both? My interest in music isn't damaged by my being involved in business.
Besides, I'll be playing piano long after I stop practicing law, assuming all goes to plan.
I'm an editor by trade because of my love of books. I would consider writing if my editor's mind hasn't ruined that as an option. Either way, these aren't the same as a career that employs a heavy dose of decimals, percentages, and statistics, especially when you consider income potential.
Mind you, as an editor, I can reasonably make between $80,000 and $100,000 in my latter years if I play my cards right (i.e. get some long-term corporate clients). But that will take a while. I'd be lucky to make between $30,000 and $40,000 in the low end for now, especially if much of my income is dependent on freelancing. It's difficult to get a cushy, full-time, in-house gig, especially in Canada.
I'd be more financially sound if I followed my head instead of my heart and became a managerial accountant or market forecaster or something.
But maybe you're right. Maybe I can do both. It just seems that now I've essentially chosen this path, that other path seems to have barriers to entry.