Originally Posted by Lebell
Here's what you just don't get: Even I would probably give you more credibility and stop busting your chops so much if you didn't do crap like quoting a fucking AUGUST 2001!!! article on Bush going to Texas to support your position.
This is an odd response. What is more credible than referring to Bush's first few months in office by using an article published a first few months after Bush took office? The reason why host's posts don't get very far (besides the bias) is that people don't take on his issues, they sidestep them or ridicule them. You yourself would have more credibility if you'd just engage the issue. If you don't have the energy for this, then fine.
Personally, I haven't yet engaged in any of host's recent threads about this because few are responding in a way that would draw me in. I'm only coming in now because this response of yours is a good example of what derails my interest.
I do have an interest in a thread that discusses the overarching impact of the Bush presidency, but I don't want to wander too far into a quagmire of a thread that no one wants adequately engage.
Sorry, host.