Originally Posted by Derwood
how many of the "non-compatible" programs people have trouble with are shit like bit torrent or other questionable stuff? or is it games? i honestly don't know
Actually all of my simple programs failed to work under Vista: my password manager, my cd ripper, my FLAC codec. I listen to lossless music and no longer support MP3. My damned media player was not allowed to scan a directory for media files!!
@ Martian:
I would love to make the switch to Linux. I know Ubuntu is the simplest (and built from my first, Debian) but even that boggles my mind at times. The simplest programs that are available through windows (like some mentioned above) are completely devoid in Linux. One cannot find accurate secure ripping tools, password managers, or decent "do it all" media players. If FooBar2000 was built to run native in Linux, most the battle is won for me (FB2K under wine blows)
Originally Posted by Mephex
Augi, didn't you mean to say "push for XP to stay around"?
Yes, yes I did.