Originally Posted by ottopilot
You can wish it that way, I'm only challenging your feelings about how you interpret cause and effect. The facts are there and there is no policy of racism ... it is illegal. The cop-out is hiding behind feelings and good intentions while perpetuating a culture of victimization. If you can prove it, prosecute. Go get em.
The US is a signator to the UN Commitee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) under which it submits reports on government action to eliminate institutional racism.
You can read the latest official US report:
The ACLU released a responsive independent shadow report highlighting the pervasive institutional, systemic and structural racism in America.
You can read the ACLU report:
Racial & Ethnicity in America: Turning a Blind Eye to Injustice.
It sounds to me like you take the same approach as the Bush administration....as long as laws or institutional policies dont explicitly use terms like "black, African-American, etc", then there is no institutional racism in the US.
But I dont expect you will take a report from the ACLU very seriously or the UN CERD either for that matter.
I'm done here too.