Originally Posted by Martian
Which means that you may or may not be aware that Microsoft is more concerned with dominating and monopolizing the desktop market than creating a quality product, but are probably not aware that they have created an entire business strategy that revolves around eliminating their competitors, rather than allowing their product to compete in an open market.
Microsoft's goal is not to win market share by creating a better operating system, but rather to dominate the market by removing consumer choice. They've already done an excellent job by establishing themselves; Vista is going to outsell all other operating systems combined this year not on any technical merits, but because so many programs that are essential to so many people are not available under any other operating system. They are attempting to continue and strengthen this trend by cornering the market on formats and protocols and locking out their competitors, allowing them to release barely functional products with exorbitant prices because their consumers don't have any choice.
Further reading.
Oh, that's old news. I'd addressed that on a blog, talk about it with my geek friends for years....that's why it's referred to as M$.
It's why M$ will never allow any OS to read Mac-based data, why it's harder to find Mac based software, etc.
Vista will outsell because it is the policy of computer makers to preinstall an OS and as long as M$ is the only game in town re that, they can hold the balls of every manufacturer with clawed fingers.
What's needed is a major manufacturer to say Thanks, but no thanks-we'll sell'em blank and let our customers decide.
HAHA! I made a funny.