U2: are you more intoxicated than normal? You're leaving words out of your posts...twice now! Egads! As I said, I definitely agree that Obama is a politician...but as far as who I can stomach as religious icon-connected-to-a-politician...from what I've heard this Wright chap actually does some community service and channels his energy there. Robertson has the fucking 700 club for fuck's sake. Maybe that's only because Wright hasn't had the chance for a national audience aimed at spiritual healing and donation-giving -thank you Jesus - due to his particular theological bent...but based on what I've seen, he's just a pissed off old black dude. Hard to blame him for that. I don't see what Robertson has to be pissed off about. I don't really blame him for being suspicious in his outlook, or critical of US foreign policy.
At the end of the day, if a white politician were close to Pat/Hagee/etc (as appears to be the flipside of this argument) I'd say "So what exactly are you so pissed off about?"....they'd have a hard time answering me cogently. If I asked the same thing of Obama/Wright...I think they'd have some legitimate claims.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style