Originally Posted by Augi
I think most people that push for Vista to stay around are the power users that don't want to have their power usurped from them in the ways Vista most certainly will.
Augi, didn't you mean to say "push for XP to stay around"?
I used Windows 2000 for a year and a half before I switched to XP, enter SP1. Nowadays XP is stable, great, no real reason to upgrade to Vista. Back then, however I remember there being something with XP about DirectX

And a few other conveniences in the way the filestructure was layed out. Maybe I'll have to switch to Vista someday, but I don't see it any time soon.
*nix is great for whatever purpose you have. I run FreeBSD for my router/firewall, no real reason to use a Linux distro due to my XP machine handling my Exchange calendar/sync to my phone. Thunderbird for email and I game like a madman.
I could use an apple, but I haven't had the need to feel cool in a while.
My point is that I feel you should use whatever OS it is you feel most comfortable with. A lot of people don't have the knowledge to make that decision. That's why something like Vista is even possible.