Originally Posted by ASU2003
We can argue all day about why it is happening or if it is happening or what is causing it... But what I want to know is does anybody have a plan if things do go bad (regardless of who did it). What happens if 1 billion people need to move away from the coast (I wonder if the tundra in Canada and Russia thaws out, could it soak up a lot of the water...) What happens if there is a year when we have a really bad harvest? How long would it take to correct problems in the future if they happen?
If we have a plan and we are prepared for the worst, then we will be ok.
Do we have a plan for the Supervolcano in Yellowstone erupting?
Do we have a plan for Las Palmas causing a massive tidal wave on the east coast?
Do we have a plan for an asteroid hit?
There comes a point where you stop planning and deal with it as it comes. If we KNEW that say an asteroid was going to hit the pacific ocean in 10 years we could plan and the expense would be worth it, but if there is only a chance that at SOME point in the next 20 million years there will be an asteroid strike, good luck trying to convince people to build that underground city with special solient green goodness.