Originally Posted by sprocket
Wright is a bigot racist. There's no contending that fact now, period end of the damn story.
SO.... I don't know if you watched that video, but this response is SHOCKING to me. I'm utterly floored that THIS could be how you answer this. And that you don't see that you're MAKING MY POINT for me.... Can you REALLY be so blind?
I'm over here posting a video where all kinds of excellent reasoned argument and actual opinion of someone who KNOWS THE GUY is replied to with, "Well, but he's a racist bigot hater". No thinking going on. No counter-argument. Thoughtless talking-point namecalling in the guise of "journalism". That was my point.
Your response to that is "Wright is a bigot racist."
No thinking. No counter-argument. Thoughtless talking-point namecalling in the guise of "discussion".
I'm SO done with Tilted Politics. If this is the level of our discourse, people, it's FUCKING HOPELESS.