Originally Posted by sprocket
I hadnt seen that...
But Huckabee, IMHO, is one of the biggest idiots ever to have the pleasure to run for nomination.
Methinks his religious fundamentalism is getting the better of him... like it does on most issues. He'd rather defend a bigot that is as such because of religious reasons than to let the secular community score a point.
The secular community? This whole Wright thing has nothing to do with the secular community scoring points. Secularism doesn't really have anything to do with this. A lot of "Wright apologists" and Obama supporters are secular. Huckabee was essentially taking the same side as a whole slew of secularists.
If Huckabee were really the rabid fundamentalist you paint him to be, there's no way he'd be defending Wright simply because they are both Christian. Wright's ultra-liberal flavor of Christianity is practically the exact opposite of Huckabee's conservative flavor of Christianity. Huckabee was being reasonable, and it is interesting to me that you would attempt to rationalize it as being the result of religious fundamentalism.