So, lotta folks saying last night's episode Chair Model is in their Top 10 favourite shows of the series. Pretty high praise. I gotta say, I liked it a lot, and even moreso on the second and third viewings (which are not uncommon for me. I watched Dinner Party at least five times).
- Michael Scott was at his best. Cringeworthy scenes, but not unbelievable that he would do/say what he did/said.
- The JAM engagement talk. Wow. That had more than a few Office fans on the edge of their seats. It was good. I gotta say.
- Great scenes with Kevin, Andy, Phyllis and Creed.
All around good stuff. Season 4 is kicking ass! Can't wait to see what the next few eps bring us.
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys