Hi Jet. I hope your thrusters are fired up and ready to go ...or actually stay.
For my bedtime snack I just melted some brie over leftover croutons ...but these were some excellent croutons, homemade from a local Italian specialties store. I agree, Nutella is good on almost anything. I couldn't resist last time I was at Costco I took this photo:
No breakfast tomorrow for me since I'm having a big lunch with the guys ...at Tony's again; we'll be sitting outside since it will be about 84F tomorrow and sunny, no clouds around here, either.
Further good local news: they are almost done building a new Popeye's about 5 min from my house. It looks like it will open any day, saving me a 20 min. drive to get some.
Sad world news about rice since you mentioned it above: Australia's rice production this year is about 90% below previous yields, due to severe drought. As a "positive" twist to this world hunger impacting tragedy, they are substituting wine vineyards since they need less water, so at least we'll be drunk and happy when we all starve. This note I read in the NY Times today.