I'm pretty nonchalant.
It's about 6", maybe a little less, so no problems there, and average girth again. Sure more girth wouldn't go amiss, but I'm still pretty young so who knows; maybe I'll turn into a choad.
I don't really care about size.. more about frequency of use tbh
As for aesthetics, I'm uncut, which I think is a good thing, however I have ****loads of "fordyce spots" which I really don't like at all. Reduces my confidence a lot - not that I'm depressed, but I tend to turn down, or not pursue opportunities of cock-usage more frequently than I would if I didn't have them.
Apparently they are normal, but they look odd (imo) and are not mentioned in sex-ed, so could easily be confused with an STD, so require reassurance to the other being involved.
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fordyce's_spot )
Apparently everyone has them.. I just seem to have loads :/ It wouldn't be so bad if they were like the ones in those pics, but there are others too which are more unsightly. ( this kind
http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/slm-maa/s...ges/hel007.jpg )
I've been to about 5 sexual health doctors (just to be sure

) so I am certain they're fine.. just an annoyance.