Originally Posted by punkmusicfan21
Part of my point is exactly that; the idea of gun use as a means of control is completely cyclical.
In fact, the idea of saying "him before me" is super barbaric to me. I don't understand this paranoia and ingrained need to defend yourself against something that is a product of your own actions. That "your" isn't pointed at anyone person, but rather a general "your". It's like Fredericton's situation, one person feels threatened so they threaten the other side and it all escalates.
Maybe what you're saying is that we've gone past this point of no return, and there is no answer but violence. I hope not. Maybe it's simply the attitude we sport; maybe it's all our own perception. It all comes off very superior to me. You want to be better then the others and incase they raise to the level you are at, you can raise once again. When does it stop?
The problem with your perception is that you're painting everyone who carries or wants to carry with the same brush and in the same color. That's what ends up dividing the issue and making it so confrontational.
People need to understand that there are people who don't care about others and will use whatever violent means necessary to obtain their objectives over someone weaker than them.
For those people, having that gun means having control over those without one and so your perception for THOSE people would be spot on. For the others, they don't want to be 'better', they just want to not be controlled by the former. I don't think that's trying to be superior, it's just trying to protect ones self.