Well, since little_tippler asked...
I'm really not the best person to give perspective on this subject, but I love my cock. I love its shape, I love its size, I love its texture. I'm in love with my cock.

Some women might be afraid of it... it being rather large, but its really just a matter of how much lube (natural or not) you use. It is pristine and uncut. Its a thing of power.
A woman once asked me why men compare dick sizes when the average woman is only 5" deep (or something like that) and my response was pretty indignant. First of all, if you think giving pleasure is the reason men compare dick sizes, you're on the wrong track. Second, the width has a lot to do with it, too, and that DOES matter with pleasure a lot of the time. Any person will tell you that its not about the size - its how you use it. That in itself is another macho pissing contest.
Men, chime in and tell us how you love (or don't love) the cock.