Originally Posted by punkmusicfan21
Perhaps it's the Atlantic Canadian in me but I'm terrified when I read this. It makes me literally scared shitless that people feel the need to "practice" at a local range in case they need to defend themselves.
well, the logic would seem to satisfy those that think proper training should be required. But I guess that if someone actually pursues that proper training, then people should be scared. kinda circular there, isn't it?
Originally Posted by punkmusicfan21
I'm also really confused with the idea of defense via gun power being a tool for freedom. Maybe it's just me and my crazy socialist logic, but aren't there less... deathy ways of resolving conflict. I don't understand the whole "I'll shoot him before he shoots me" mentality. Seems to just breed this idea that everyone is after everyone, so you might as well say "fuck everyone else, because they are going to fuck me anyways". It's all a little melodramatic to me.
A very long time ago a bunch of people tried less 'deathy' ways of resolving conflicts. It fell on deaf ears so they took up arms to defend their freedom. It may be melodramatic, but it also worked and could continue to work if people weren't more afraid of freedom than they are of death.