Originally Posted by abaya
Man, this IUD thing is almost tempting, except that almost everyone who has gotten one and posted here said that it hurt like a bitch. Can't they just knock you out??.. I guess it's not a serious enough procedure, but for things like that I wouldn't mind.
Maybe I should coordinate inserting an IUD with having my wisdom teeth out. General anesthesia all around. 
Man Abaya, I know this post is old but so true.
My pain thresh-hold is super low. The only way I would get an IUD would be for them to knock me out. My colposcopy hurt like a bitch so I can only imagine how the IUD would feel.
I've been reading the thread a good bit and I've been back and fourth with myself about getting one. The money isn't an issue...it's just if I want to deal with it. They seem really complicated, the strings might be uncomfortable, they might puncture your uterus, etc. That stuff freaks me out beyond belief.
I'm debating about switching from the Nuvaring to some other kind of BC.
IUD is freaking scary. Not to mention I already hate going to the OBGYN as it is.