I don't need to see a list of how the government spends tax money to know that such a list would probably piss me off. Then again, I don't know that the information is all that much of a secret, except for the money we spend on things that are secret.
If such a list came out, I predict that:
The people who posture like taxes are bad would bitch and moan about how horribly the government was spending their money, how much better they could spend their own money, and how the government has no right to take something that it didn't earn. The ones who spend $80 a week (externalities are free with fill up) filling up their Denalis, which they drive by themselves 30 miles to work every day wouldn't see the irony in accusing the government of irresponsibly consuming unearned resources.
The people who posture like taxes are good would rationalize the list thusly.
The rest of the people would be divided about what they didn't want to fund and what they did, but being reasonable people, they would acknowledge that while taxes aren't always fun, they are the price of living and doing business in a semi-functional country.