I turned 20 a few weeks ago, and over the past couple months I've been contemplating getting a bike. I've been reading over the website:
After researching several of their bikes I think I'll be going after a Buell Blast. I want one thats 250cc. I'm going to be working this summer and plan to save up to get one. My dad has ridden motorcycles for around 30 years however has made it well known he doesn't want his daughters riding motorcycles. I would prefer to have his help when learning to ride. I'm planning to pay for the insurance (liability) buy the bike, buy the equipment etc. I've also read these bikes get 70 plus MPG however they only have 4 gallon tanks.
I'm 5'7 about 135 lbs. Do you guys think this bike would be a good fit? I've done a good bit of reading but still want some other opinions.