Originally Posted by aberkok
The most irritating bandwagon jumping I've ever seen is when people say "SNL hasn't been funny since - insert year- " Now... I know it's not always gold, but I think there are a lot of diamonds in the rough. It's rare when a whole episode is garbage these days and the current cast is excellent.
I fully agree with that. It is the writing and not the cast that ultimately determines how good it is.
and for my share I am not on that bandwagon as I have no idea at all how funny it is now personally; I just stopped watching involuntarily in the mid-late 90's because of the military shipboard life and have never made an attempt or been unable to watch a full episode since then.
Unfortunately the few select isolated newer clips I have seen were mostly stinkers and no doubt have dampened any admittedly low desire in the first place to watch the current version. No idea who the current cast is even (is Tim Meadows still on there?).
edit: to put my opinion simply on the 'best years' - first seasons best, early-mid 90's good overall, anything else around those years ???????
Anyways, enough rambling...........wanders off elsewhere