A few people addressed the idea that atheists are more belligrent than theists. I think that needs to be addressed.
First off, its totally balance.s Sure, when it comes down to debate, we're probably more inclined to make our point (though more than often not), we're also not going around knocking on people's doors while they're eating dinner.
Also, we're abit more belligerent on the topic from a political standpoint. Alot of people go from atheist to antitheist (Hitchens, anyone?) because of the atrocities that get committed in the name of religion. I'm not as hardcore as some, but i'm still a firm believer of the separation of church and state, as well as keeping religion out of the classroom.
Right now I think the only way to firmly support religious belief is by faith, and (in most cases) i can respect that, but creation science, with all due respect, is a joke.