Originally Posted by Seer666
Without taking a stance on this topic, I do just find it interesting that humans are the only creatures out there that, even though nature says they body is ready to go, still declare it off limets. Also, the 18 thing is a rather recent development in human history. Used to be they were married off soon as they started bleeding every month. Could it be this is only an issue because someone desided to make it so and everyone else just went along with it without asking why?
We used to die at 45 on average as well.
Our civilization in the west has basically extended childhood, well past 'bleeding time'.
Also this is a case of where whats best for the species need not be what best for the individual. Reproduction early and often was important when childbearing years were so short and death by childbirth so frequent. Now we have women in their 40's having healthy children where they used to be grandmothers at that age.
Likewise it seems many, due to the diets etc, are reaching sexual maturity earlier than they used to.
So I have no problem with 18 being the age of consent.