Bah, Red Bull and Rip It from the DoD. Piss warm and available by the pallet.
One of the most worrisome factors of my second deployment (A-stan, 2006) was the availability and encouragement from the command structure regarding the use of caffeine and “energy drinks.” "Stay hydrated (drink bottled water) and stay awake (drink caffeinated stuff)!" Highly caffeinated, sugar sweetened soft drinks, such as Red Bull and Rip-It were available by the pallet for junior leaders to disperse among their soldiers and quickly became habit-forming. Guys would "need it" to wake up and would be cranky without it. It was as if a shot of caffeine had become an acceptable remedy to the extreme fatigue soldiers were feeling long hours without "nap time" or regular sleep.
Red Bull disappeared near the end of the deployment and was completely replaced by Rip It. My conclusion was that DoD didn't like paying the premium price for Red Bull and went with a cheaper product that yielded the same effect.
Coffee, of course, was always available... but 18-20 y.o. kids go for the more potent and sugary sweet pop flavored stuff first.
Nothing like popping one of those tiny cans at 4 AM before ya crawl into a humvee. Makes ya feel like a crack whore.
Last edited by Plan9; 04-14-2008 at 09:13 AM..