Originally Posted by MSD
[Citation Needed]
I'll look for a source, but to say modifiying soy crops so they can handle 2-3 times more herbicides and pesticides could have an increase in allergies isn't too far off base imo. You have that plus the modified gene effect which creates proteins that have never been seen before that our bodies aren't capable of processing. I think both of those issues defineintly could lead to an increase in allergies.
Oh and in regards to the OP.
Soybeans contain phytoestrogens, so that may be a concern for you if you have hormone problems or don't like having higher estrogen levels. Try almond milk instead of soy milk if you are lactose intolerant.
Also the bottled water is the same as tap water myth. True some of the garbage like dasani and aquafina is pretty bad. You have to read the lables usually reverse osmosis is the best or the water that truly comes from great natural sources like evian.
Mircowaving or freezing plastics causes cancer when you consume the food or water in them. Plus plastics have phytoestrogen effect as well.
Vaccines contain mercury which have a cumulative effect that may cause autism or other neurological problems.
Aspartame is a horrible artificial sweetner which breaks down into methanol that can cause neurological problems in large doses.