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Old 04-14-2008, 03:20 AM   #72 (permalink)
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Location: Coastal South Carolina
JayMac thought he had El-Ty-Spitz right where he wanted him, but just as he was about to send over a poison pork sandwich, he remembered that Ty was Jewish. "Drat!" he said as he stamped his feet. JayMac twisted his waxy handlebar moustache and made evil sounds as he pondered his next move. "If only he had a damsel to distress - one who was close to El-Ty - one he could tie to a train track so he could lure his nemesis into danger." he thought. At that moment, Timmy spoke. "Uh, excuse me sir, but my lady friend is very weak and distressed from hunger, give me a pork platter and some Brunswick Stew. Quick!"
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