Originally Posted by lotsofmagnets
this and little tipplerīs posts are the only originals for the last 2 pages at least. everyone has made their point at least thrice now and mostly this seems to be an attack on willīs idealism.
It's not an attack on Will's idealism. To be honest, I rather like it. He states he case well and with thought, and still holds some sort of hope. The world needs more people like that. I however, am not like that. The world is never so bleak as when viewed with a tinge of hope.
His comparison and views in this case are, however, off mark in my opinion. King, Gandhi, and the Dali Lama all knew their stances could very well end up in death or worse. this moron, by the very nature of her actions and words, never even considered this as an outcome. That is stupidity. And that is why this whole thing is nothing more then a cleaning of the gene pool.
I will hold a person who willing goes to their death in the name of a higher ideal in the highest regards. Someone who blindly walks into an open man hole and dies is however just someone to be laughed at.