you're playing on a PvE server?
BG9 foreva!
haha, seriously I leveled to 60 on my 1st account on a pvp server (Kil'Jaeden, same battlegroup as Tich) heres the thing about PvE server that ruined them for me.
I transfered my 60 with hand of rag and full T2/PvP/various supplemental epics to this server and people were all like "ooh ahhh, never seen you before"
I told them I was from a pvp server and they got hostile and insulting, and the fact that i was geared for pvp instead of pve made them talk a lot of shit as well.
fine, stuck with it a bit, the straw that broke the camels back, a warrior of the opposing faction comes up to me in the middle of hellfire pen, as i'm mining a node....
on a pvp server, 2 miners of an opposing faction = Fight to the death
on a pve server? he just fucking spits on me and follows me around like a dumbass for like 5 minutes. /rude /spit /laugh /mock whatever
I never wanted to smash a face so badly.
I rerolled on KJ again, the reason I even transferred to a pve server dissolved fairly quickly anyway, flaky family member who didn't play that often, ex gf that I wound up dumping anyway, etc..
Last edited by Shauk; 04-13-2008 at 12:27 PM..