I personally think that anyone who feels that sex with a 13-year-old is ok is somewhat lacking in maturity. If that lack of maturity is because they are 15, then that is perhaps excusable, but if they are much older than that, then questions have to be asked; if their PREFERENCE is 13-year-olds, then SERIOUS questions have to be asked. I'd start with why they'd prefer someone that much younger when there are so many prospective partners available who are closer in age.
I teach at an all-girls' high school, and IMO very few of them (including those up to 16-17) have the emotional maturity to be having sex safely - and by safely I don't just mean condoms. I also think that the educational system is afraid of engaging in real discussion with young people about sex beyond biology and prevention of pregnancy and disease, which is possibly contributing to this lack of maturity.
One could argue that this has always been the case to some extent, but exposure to sex is higher than ever these days, and it is happening at a younger age. Children are more exposed and influenced by the media than ever, and of course sex is very much glamourised in the media. I think that overall this does not lead to a balanced and mature view on sex and all its consequences. It also doesn't help that most adults aren't very clued up on sexual matters either (TFP being a somewhat skewed sample).