Originally Posted by Tully Mars
I honestly don't know what to believe anymore. One thing I do believe is even they don't believe what they're saying anymore. Then that happened I haven't a clue. Did they know the intel on the WMD's was BS? Did they know the insurgency was going to be a huge problem? Did they know this was going to cost 100's of billions? Did they know the surge wasn't sustainable? I don't know but I'm sure at some point they knew "we've turned or are turning a corner" was and is a BS statement.
I think that for what you said in your previous post to be true, it would follow that they at least knew before 9/11 that an attack was coming and decided to let it play out and then "follow on", and that they deliberately handled the Katrina disaster in a way that would maximize profits for crony contractors, even it is minimized support and aid for the disaster victims. Every where you look.... fired Arabian horse judge appointed to head FEMA, after equally unqualified former Bush campaign manager resigns as FEMA head, to John Bolton, on record, AFTER 9/11....saying it would improve UN if top ten stories of it's HQ buikding were removed.....is appointed by BUSH to head US mission to UN....counter to senate approval, Hans von Spakovsky, accused , at DOJ, of interfering with the minority right to vote, appointed by BUSH to FEC, counter to senate approval,
Bush Has Appointed Over 100 Lobbyists as 'Regulators'More than a dozen other high-ranking USDA officials appointed under Bush also have ties ... Lobbyists commonly suggest wording for legislation. But even EPA ...
www.commondreams.org/headlines04/0523-02.htm - 37k - Cached - Similar pages
Outspoken scientist dismissed from panel on chemical safety - Los ...Feb 29, 2008 ... Toxicologist Deborah Rice was appointed chair of an EPA scientific panel ... the lobbying group for chemical manufacturers, complained to a ...
http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la...,6191299.story - 50k - Cached - Similar pages
Texas Chainsaw Management: Politics & Power: vanityfair.com... a timber-industry lobbyist appointed to oversee the U.S. Forest Service; ... four years was a top official in the E.P.A.'s Office of Air and Radiation. ...
http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/f...vingdoor200705 - Similar pages
The Corporate Federal TakeoverLee M. Thomas --- Appointed as EPA Administrator from February 1985 through ... Secretary of Interior despite prior history as an oil and coal lobbyist. ...
http://www.foxriverwatch.com/nrda/nr..._takeover.html - 28k - Cached - Similar pages
LA Times: EPA Listens To Lobbyists, Boots Expert | Environmental ...Feb 29, 2008 ... EPA Axes Panel Chair at Request of Chemical Industry Lobbyists .... Toxicologist Deborah Rice was appointed chair of an EPA scientific panel ...
Joint chiefs chairman Shinseki, forced out of office for countering Rumsfeld's opinion on Iraq invasion troop levels.
Joint chiefs chairman Gen. Peter Pace, forced out of office for countering Bush opinion of Iranian aid to Iraq insurgency....
Top admiral resigns after criticizing Bush Iran policy - TopixMar 11, 2008 ... Top admiral resigns after criticizing Bush Iran policy. President Bush and U.S. Central Command commander, Navy Admiral William J. Fallon ...
Morris Davis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIn October 2007 Colonel Davis resigned from his position as Chief Prosecutor and retired ... Morris Davis. "Unforgivable Behavior, Inadmissible Evidence", ...
It's not just the military, Tully...they are trying to advance Grover Norquist's quest to "drown government". like a baby in a bathtub, by first, fucking it up intentionally, soooo badly that they can "prove" it doesn't work. Then, what is left of it can be privatized, but mostly eliminated.
Junior, just 4 or 5 months from now, will have succeeded in piling $4 trillion in new debt on top of the existing, on January 20, 2001, $5.7 trillion debt that took 200 years to rack up. Even Junior's dad and king Reagan needed 12 years to turn a $995 billion debt into a $4.2 trillion debt!
There is no large protest of all of this, from the American people, so the willful official sabotage and massive destruction it results in, will continue until the results are so terrible that the bulk of people wake up. If it was all stopped today, it would take 15 or 20 years of competent government to even return things to conditions existing on Jan. 20, 2001....maybe.