Thanks for that Jess, it was really reassuring - The nurse actually advised I keep taking the Ibuprofen.
Anyways, after weaning myself onto 200mg for a couple of doses, a looooong soak last night, and then off them today I'm feeling pretty much normal. It's wonderful 'cos the progesterone and COC pills made me so anxious and nauseous. I haven't felt like me since this time last year!
One other question - has anyone else had a kind of poking sensation from inside on either side? The strings are in place and it's not painful but the Dr said it was probably just 'cos I'm small and the arms may be rubbing on the bottom of my tubes - would be nice to see how common that is, just out of interest.
Oh and Angelope - I'm retroverted but I'm a bit of a 'sensitive' sort so I wouldn't worry.