Dude cut your losses and find a girl who respects you. This type of girl is not dating material. If she does not respect you, you must realize you can't convince her why she is wrong.
Anything you do is going to make you look not only desperate but crazy. I can perfectly understand were your coming from, but this girl is; and will warp anything you do. If you don't believe me read over your post. She has managed to totally disregard any and all the nice things you have done for her. Before you know it she will tell you your being clingy. She is immature. Learn from this and move on. You would not believe how many women want a guy like you. Don't waste your time with this. If she even realizes what she has/had with you, just remember it was you who tried to fix the relationship. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink, etc.
My ex and I broke up about 2 months ago. I admit our relationship had its problems, but the issue at hand was that she would not reach me half way. You can't fix a relationship if both parties are not willing to work to that goal. You can't know what is going right/wrong if you have no feedback. This girl would due 360 personality shifts. Literally one day she would be on top of me, everything about me was right, then the next day wanted me dead.
For valentines day, at this point we had been dating over 5 months, I got a card with her name on it. That was it! She would get pissed at me for calling her and telling her goodnight. I spent a whole day looking for her favorite ice-cream to surprise her. When I gave it to her, after telling the story of my feat, etc. all I got was (thanks) in as monotone a voice you can make.
I was suppose to meet her one time, she show up three hours late, ignoring text, phone calls, etc. Once I did confront her not a word of regret, apology, or sincerity was expressed. She even got pissed at me for not waiting another extra hour! This girl managed to convince herself the reason she had a zit was my fault! I swear to GOD.
I can go on for days, we had our good times, but I really don't think it is in any of our interests to be with a girl who treats us like a piece of shit.
After the numerous harsh things said to me when she finally accepted my proposal to break up, I literally kicked her ass to the curve. I dropped her off in the middle of a parking lot and drove off. I admit this was not the nicest thing to do, but after hearing how everything I helped her with, everything I did for her, all the time I spent with her (we dated for about 7 months), etc. meant nothing and how I was no better or more important than any other guy she has ever dated (her other ex-boyfriends are real WHITE TRASH), I figured it was an OK ending to a bad relationship.