Originally Posted by loquitur
I think the records belong to the govt, the same way that any employer owns records the employee created while acting on the employer's business.
There are rules that govern Congress and others public office holders, local and state. There is a point when activity is on the record and public, rules governing what constitutes a meeting, and rules regulating notice, etc. These people have an opportunity to be off the record, and have personal and private thoughts, shouldn't the President have the same opportunity?
Originally Posted by willravel
Historians = anyone interested in history. Leave the information available to anyone and everyone. If people are interested in getting information on the bathroom, there's certainly no harm in it. The real issue, though, is ensuring that truly important information is available... but important to me may not be important to you. As such, all information should be available.
Like I wrote earlier:
History in my opinion is best served when information his gathered in circumstances where the participants act as they normally would. We don't need staged history.
If I knew everything thing I did was being made public, my behavior would be "staged", wouldn't yours? Our best historic records are from sincere/honest sources. Hence I think history is better served if we give a President some feeling of privacy and then discovering that information. That kind of record (i.e.- Nixon) is priceless.