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Old 04-11-2008, 08:39 AM   #10 (permalink)
The Nightfly
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Location: Brighton, UK
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. It's pretty much the bible on success in whatever you do.

It specifically addresses your concern. It states that successful people manage to do the things that unsuccessful people don't: the things that people generally don't like to do.

It deals with time-wasters, and how to work effectively with other people as well. But it begins where it makes sense: with the self.
Excellent, thank you very much. Exactly what I was looking for! I'll get that.

Originally Posted by allaboutmusic
I thought the title of the thread was wonderfully ironic.
Originally Posted by JinnKai
If we helped you get motivation, wouldn't it no longer be self-motivation?
Haha, not quite. I just wanted somebody to recommend a book for me to read that will help me to change the way I do things. It's more a case of 'show me the door, I'll walk through it'.

I'll reply to some of the other posts when I've finished this musical analysis I have to write! Cheers guys.

Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Panic. Long-term panic.


Think about how much you're hurting yourself by not doing the little things to make yourself suceed, and how all the folks that you're going to be competing against are doing those little things. And how many of those folks have more talent at it than you do. And how many others are just plain old luckier than you are. And how your only hope to ever have even the smallest success in your chosen field is going to take all of your meager talent, as much hard work as you can possibly put in and every ounce of luck you can scrape together. If you can't imagine **that guy over there** doing the things that you can't be bothered to do and then surpassing you at crunch time and getting the gig, then you have a problem. If the idea doesn't send cold shivers down your spine, give up now and pick something that any schuck with eyebrows can do, like demolition or truck driving.
Haha, things aren't quite that bad. Like I said, I always manage to get stuff done - I've never missed an important deadline, and I work hard when the chips are down. The problem is that I really need that pressure on me to get anything done; which causes me a lot of stress. I hate being stressed, and I'm not prepared to accept that it's 'just the way I work' anymore. I want to change it!

Last edited by The Nightfly; 04-11-2008 at 08:49 AM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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