Female, 25, Engaged, Straight
On to the questions:
1. What is the most sexually adventurous thing that you have done?
I am not very sexually adventurous at all; gave a handjob to a guy I'd just met while watching tv.
2. What do you most frequently fantasize about?
Swinging; various people, various rooms, various acts
3. Would you ever act out your fantasy if you had a willing partner?
While I would like to say yes, probably not.
4. What is your favorite kind of porn to look at?
Still photographs of people artfully posed
5. What kind of porn is more of a 'once in a while' thing but still turns you on?
group sex
6. The style of sex that I like best is:
lots of foreplay with no goal in mind
7. The style of sex that I like least is:
when either me or my SO isn't feeling it
8. Would you participate in a same sex threesome if you had the chance (MMF if you are male)?
In theory, I would say yes, but in actuality, probably not.
9. Would you participate in an opposite sex threesome if you had the chance (MFF if you are male)?
10. Of course the real thing is the best but does virtual sex or phone sex turn you on?
Reading erotica about virtual, phone or cyber sex is a turn on but not so much in real life
11. Have you told friends about your more adventurous sexual activities, or do you wish you could?
Not really much to tell so no.
12. If you could only have oral, vaginal, or anal sex from now on, which would it be and why?
13. How old is the oldest person you've had sex with, and how old were you at the time?
My SO is 24 and I am 25.
14. If you could be a pornstar for a day, who would your leading lady/man be?
Don't know any porn stars by name so I am going to second Onesnowyowl's suggestion of David Tennant.
15. Are there any explicit pictures or videos of you floating around on the internet? (Ones posted on tfp excluded).
New Question:
16. Do you have a fetish?
Not that I have found out yet.
Yup, pretty much a prude growing up and still have a strong prude streak in me it seems after answering these questions.
"Mommy, the presidents are squishing me!"
"Using the pull out method of contraceptive is like saying I won't use a seat belt, I'll just jump out of the car before it hits that tree."