Takemitsu Toru wrote music for films before he became known as a Really Big Composer. Whenever i listen to his stuff on its own, i get to thinking that it needs a movie.
Of the films he worked on, "Woman in the dunes" and "Ran" are probably the most well known.
One of the annoying things about movie music is that it creeps into your life. You hear the music, you think there ought to be a movie. So you're listening to whatever -- Miles Davis on the way home from work. It's raining, you're standing on the train. The window is flecked with raindrops. You imagine yourself (w/o the headphones) as the focus of a movie about a souful guy/gal who... You have the music down, anyway.
I used to translate old movies. I have the scores from a number of Japanese films written into my memory. Some of those '50s films are really lush.