Originally Posted by pan6467
Show me others where someone is called a "fucking tool (fool)" and nothing has happened. I know what I read and I can tell the difference between t and f
The funny part is, you saying this shows you don't know the difference between an 'f' and a 't', you think you saw a 't' because that fits your victim complex much better that seeing an 'f', but in reality, the word was fool.
Originally Posted by pan
Since when has "shut the fuck up" posts been acceptable?
Since when has calling someone a "fucking tool (fool)" been acceptable?
Since when have the attacks on me personally been acceptable.
Show me others where someone posted "shut the fuck up" and nothing happened.
Oh pity me, I was attacked, pity me, please pity me, fuckin pity me I was attacked.
Originally Posted by pan
No, I'll have to be thrown out..... and as you see after 6 pages of trying disparately.... ya can't get me into the personal attack games nor shut me up.
This is way to far off the OP and I refuse to answer anymore unless someone wants to talk more about the OP and only the OP in this thread.....
No one has it in for you as you see it like we're tryin g to get you banned or something, why is it always about you?
The OP in this thread was unclear from the time you started it, you said it wasn't about race, then made it about race while continuing to say it wasn't.