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Old 04-10-2008, 07:57 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Location: New Hampshire, US

1. What is the most sexually adventurous thing that you have done?
Allowed my gf to get me upside down and then she jerked me off onto my face. She always gets what she wants.

2. What do you most frequently fantasize about?
A recent MFF online fantasy I acted out virtually with 2 friends from Europe. Was me licking one of the girls while she was being rimmed by the other.
We were ecstatic when she came because she squirted all over our faces.

3. Would you ever act out your fantasy if you had a willing partner?
Most definitely. I just need to raise some cash for a plane ticket to Europe.

4. What is your favorite kind of porn to look at?
Just pretty young ladies with little or normal size tits.

5. What kind of porn is more of a 'once in a while' thing but still turns you on?
See question #2

6. The style of sex that I like best is:
Straight sex with either on top. Love to look deeply into her eyes when we come.

7. The style of sex that I like least is:
Getting rimmed. My ex did that to me one time and it didn't to anything for me. I love to rim the ladies though; their anatomy is so much more pleasing down there than mine is.

8. Would you participate in a same sex threesome if you had the chance (MMF if you are male)?
Maybe; I am a little curious.

9. Would you participate in an opposite sex threesome if you had the chance (MFF if you are male)?
Did this once with 2 nurses (every guy's fantasy). Still need cash for that plane ticket. Anyone care to donate?

Am I the first person to add a question?

10. Of course the real thing is the best but does virtual sex or phone sex turn you on?

My answer.
I get off on co-writing erotic stories in real time with my online friends. The stories are real raunchy like my fantasy in question #2.
They are also very funny; the theme for the last story was zero G sex onboard the ISS.
Send me a PM if you want more of the scoop.
The sands of time past keep shifting according to how we remember or forget or refashion it in hindsight, which is no sight at all.
Kajal Basu
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