There's definately a limit to all things in life. Just as it is unhealthy to be 5'11 and only 90 pounds, being 4'3 and 600 pounds is not a healthy option either.
In my opinion, you have to love your own body to change it for the better. You can't lose weight because someone said something or this person said that. You have to do it for self-motivation. You love yourself, that is why you are exercizing. That's the best mentality to go with, in my opinion.
That's what's so great about this thread! It's women coming together being happy about themselves. We already get this negative influence from advertising and media telling us how imperfect we are, but i think it is the imperfections that make us human, real and lovable.
If we change ourselves because someone else says we are fat, then even when we become thinner, we still won't be happy.
I love myself for having curves. I have parts that i love less than others, but hell, even the most perfect humans will be like that.