Originally Posted by pan
Now in this case, where the judge is basically saying the whites and everyone except blacks won't get anything out of what he is saying.... is to me no different than asking someone to sit in the back of the bus or drink from a different fountain.
How can you even say this with a straight face? You know, I'm trying to stay out of these threads because of my 'personal involvement' with your 'damage'...but how the fuck can you say something like this with a straight face?
I am all too ready to discuss the gradations in what I will call 'present day reality vs. collateral damage & associated gripes' in dealing with race relations, but how can you even start with a mindset like this??
Total denial, total negation of what are the very real, present, effective after-effects of
our own history. That history that is just as much our own as the progression of democracy, independence, women's rights, minority rights - every good thing we have done. Those things do not wipe out the reality for millions of Americans who are telling you differently. Get over yourself and YOUR white guilt. All they want is fucking acknowledgment. Is that really, really so hard to give??
We still have a lot of work left to do. Are you prepared for it, pan? Or are you only willing to fork out your declaration that 'all is well'?
And do me a favor, try to answer me without bringing up white people and pagans, okay? Thanks.