Well I am 5'11 and I wear heals often so basically I am 6'2. My BF is prolly 5'9 - 5'9.5 and thinner than I too. When we first started dating I wore flats so I wouldn't be intimidating but that didn't last long. Matter o fact most men I have dated were shorter than I am and I dig it. My height commands attention when I walk into a room; whether I want it or not. I enjoy being a big girl (and luckily I am weight proportionate too, 152 lbs) most men have to look me in the eyes when they speak to me.
I can tell ya that we have no problems in the bedroom or anywhere else for that matter and I know he finds my height sexy. There is no concern for security or protection because he would definitely handle any situation that would arise. All in all I think as a couple we're pretty dam hot!
* I do not believe that struggles are a sign of life falling apart, but rather a step of life falling into place. *